The Evidence for Extraterrestrials by Davy Russell
POSTED: 2 March 99
"What the public learns about the [UFO] phenomena comes from that small portion of the
facts that has been pre-sellected by believers to promote enthusiastic support for the
extraterrestrial theory." -- Dr. Jacques Vallee
Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, have been sighted and reported ever since humans
began recording history...and perhaps even earlier. Significant concentration in UFO
reports during the last 50 years has helped promote the theory that such objects are space
craft of a higher intelligence from other planets. Coinciding with the influx of UFO
reports, the alien abduction phenomena has affected millions and contributes greatly to the
alien craft theory and belief...and many will argue it as fact.
However, what hard evidence do we have that extraterrestrials are indeed visiting Earth?
Crop Circles
These concentric rings and patterns up to 100 feet in diameter, have been appearing in farmers
crop fields in England, United States, and other locations since the 1950's. The origin of these
circles is highly debated and appear to coincide with UFO sightings prior to their sudden
appearance. Some even suggest the patterns and symbols are attempts at communication.
However, nobody has been able to capture a UFO or alien space craft in the act of creating such
a circle, and therefore, the UFOs are nothing more than a suspect...not a culprit. Human hoaxes
have been exposed in the...but alien beings were never found responsible. Therefore, we
conclude that crop circles are not evidence of alien space craft visiting Earth. (Read more on Crop Circles here.
Advanced "Unexplainable" Technology
Among the more controversial theories prevalent in writings from authors such as Erich
Von Daniken, is that extraterrestrials have visited Earth at the dawning of humankind,
assisting ancient people in accomplishing things that modern humankind cannot explain.
Many in support of the alien craft theory argue that "aliens built the Pyramids of Egypt".
However, evidence of this is lacking and is purely speculation. And to quote an
X-Project reader who recently posted his opinion to a similar topic in the forum, "...I think
that the underlying ‘humans could not have done this without alien help’
insulting. We are by and large a very clever, capable race."
Modern advances such as military Stealth technology is also attributed to alien creators
although this is purely speculation. Stealth aircraft employ very scientifically engineered
features which do not appear to be related to light-speed, anti-gravity flying saucers from
other planets. Again...this is nothing more than a speculative theory attempting to explain
that which we do not understand.
Alien Abductions
The alien abduction phenomena is perhaps one of the biggest factors causing many to
associate UFOs with extraterrestrials. However, every alien abduction story has come
from eye witness reports or were retrieved while under hypnosis. For one thing, hypnosis
is not an accurate memory retrieval tool and can cause false memories. Eye witness
reports are not solid evidence as we will discuss later on. Finally, there are many earthly
explanations for such unearthly phenomena. DMT, Serotonin, and electro-magnetic
energy can cause similar experiences under controlled conditions in labs, and it is believed
that these naturally occuring chemicals or rays can cause such events outside the lab as
well (Read more here). More on alien abductions here.
Implants are not scientific evidence of extraterrestrials because no one has been able to
make an accurate determination that they are of alien origin. "Implants" have been
removed from certain individuals, but these objects appear to be terrestrial...and have not
been found to be what they are assumed to be - tracking devices implanted deep into the
skull of human victims of alien abductions.
Eye Witness Reports
Eye witness accounts make up the majority of UFO reports. However, just because
thousands of individuals have seen flying metallic disks or lights in the night sky, or had
close up views of what appear to be alien craft hovering above them...does not mean that
the objects are infact alien in origin.
While the X-Project is not going to assume those who have come forward with reports of
UFOs are all lying, we do understand that many factors contribute to the way in which
people interpret, experience, and report such phenomena. While some (perhaps many)
UFO reports are complete lies or hoaxes, many are probably misidentified air craft or
natural phenomena such as earth lights. (Stay tuned to the X-Project Magazine as we will
be publishing a full report on the many factors which affect the way people experience and
report paranormal phenomena.) Eye witness reports are not "hard evidence" and are
impossible to verify and prove.
Photographs and Video Footage
Photographs are not hard evidence for alien space craft or extraterrestrial biological entities because UFO photos are
extremely easy to fake...extremely easy! Try it! With the modern advance of Hollywood
special affects, anyone with a fraction of this knowledge could create a very convincing
bit of cinematic UFO fiction. Plus the majority of UFO photographs are fuzzy and subject
to interpretation. If they are real, whatever fraction of them are, then photographs would
probably be good evidence that unidentified flying objects exist...but not alien spacecraft.
Serious UFO researchers should refrain from being swept away into the extraterrestrial
theory...which should be just that...a THEORY. Every report of a flying disk or nocturnal
light, every report of an alien abduction, every photograph of a fuzzy gray "something" in
the sky should not be assumed extraterrestrial simply because there is no other acceptable
explanation. Sure, there could be life in outer space...and a tiny fraction of this life could
be intelligent...and an even smaller fraction could be intelligent enough to visit Earth...but
please keep in mind that there is really no evidence of this at all.