X-Project Paranormal Forums
-- Talk about anything from ghosts to UFOs to bigfoot to religion to psychology to ethics and more in our lively forums.
Paranormal Phenomenon
-- Articles on ghosts, vampires, ESP, and haunted places.
UFOs and Extraterrestrials
-- Articles on UFOs, extraterrestrial visitation, crop circles, cattle mutilations.
-- Articles on Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Champ, Jersey Devil, Mothman, and other bizarre
Strange & Weird
-- Articles on skeletal anomalies, simulacrums, and strange weather.
Faith & Religion
-- Articles on religion, faith, and God.
The Open Vault
-- First-hand stories of strange encounters sent to us by our readers.
The Paranormal Bohemian
-- Paranormal-related art, poetry, short fiction, and music.
Yoga Articles and Discussions
-- In-depth articles and topics covering various aspects of yoga.
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